7 tips to work from home successfully

Businesses are now requiring employees to work from home due to the recent COVID-19 outbreak. If you're new to working from home, you might have to reassess your day-to-day routine. Here are some tips to make a smooth transition:

Set up a designated office space

The #1 rule for working from home: separate your workspace from your BED. Avoid working in the room you sleep in. According to Buffer, if you’re working from your bed, it can become more difficult to fall asleep since your brain will think you’re in a place of work. In general, separate work and relaxation. 

Avoid working at home in your PJs

Take a shower and get dressed for work as normal. I know. It sounds GREAT to wear what you want. Isn’t that one of the perks to working from home? It might sound odd, but keeping fresh and wearing a “work” outfit will keep a sense of work versus your normal home attire.

Keep your working office hours

Set consistent daily working office hours that allow your leaders/clients consistent access to you. If not, you might end up working 24/7. Try starting and ending at the same time every day and you’ll likely be happier and more productive.

Take breaks and get some fresh air

Keep consistent office hours but take breaks as you normally would at work! Take your dog for a walk, make coffee or do some yoga! Here are some free workout classes being offered online. It can be tiring and lonely cooped up at the house.

Video call your team when you're lonely

You might get lonely and bored. Set up a video call through one of the many video conferencing apps available here. Touch base and it might help with keeping everyone in the loop!

 Avoid "home stuff"

No, it’s not time to do your laundry or load the dishwasher. It’s tempting! But leave home chores and other errands outside of your set work hours.

Minimize distractions

Although you avoid the normal office distractions like pointless meetings, office chatter, etc., you might run into other distractions like kids or pets. Kids are currently out of school due to the virus. Make it clear to your children that you are working and provide activities for them to keep busy. A "boredom box" can be a lifesaver for those with young children. Netflix or Disney Plus also doesn't hurt! 

More: How your business can stay connected remotely

More: Comprehensive Coronavirus Resource Page

More: Tornado Resource Page

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