Nashville falls below national average for 2020 Census completion - Let's fix that

Nashville has faced many challenges in recent months, including the March 23 tornado and the COVID-19 pandemic. Nashvillians have all been impacted by these recent events and it has become ever-apparent that funding from federal programs have helped residents navigate these crises. However, with so much going on in our community, awareness and completion of the 2020 census has lost some of the spotlight. Davidson County's 2020 census completion rate (56.8%) sits nearly three points below the national average. We need to fix this.

Census data is collected every ten years and determines the amount of federal funding cities receive for schools, parks, transportation, disaster relief and more. The unfortunate recent events of the tornado and COVID-19 pandemic have emphasized how important federal disaster relief funding is to the Nashville community. Nashville has also grown exponentially since 2010, when the last census was conducted. Given this growth, it is essential for Davidson County to have a strong response to the 2020 Census to ensure an accurate population count.

Not only is an accurate census response important for federal funding, it's also valuable data for businesses. The census provides businesses data on the communities they serve, including population trends and growth projections. Census data also influences policies in education, health, housing, infrastructure other human services.

The U.S. Constitution mandates a census of the population take place every 10 years. Therefore, all households are required to complete the census. There are various ways you can complete the census that don't involve someone knocking on your door.

How to complete the 2020 Census online:

  1. Go to
  2. Select your language at the bottom
  3. Click "Start Questionnaire"
  4. Don't have your 12-digit Census ID? Click on the link under the login button and enter your address
  5. Fill it out for you and anyone else living in your household

How to complete the 2020 Census by phone:

  1. Call 1-844-330-2020
  2. Follow the prompts

If you do not complete the 2020 Census via these outlets, a census taker will come to your household to collect your census responses. As a reminder, all census responses are confidential.

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