Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce Welcomes New Research Center and Operations Employees

One of the Nashville Chamber’s functions is as a research organization. Every initiative we support or create is backed by data led by our Research Center. The Research Center conducts research on a variety of different topics and strives to be a center of knowledge for the community. Our Operations team helps members, staff and other stakeholders navigate the Chamber’s day-to-day objectives and activities.

The Chamber is thrilled to welcome the following members to our team.

David Alan Callaghan serves as Receptionist and Information Specialist, helping to greet visitors to the Chamber and provide information about our programs and initiatives to members, business owners and community partners. Callaghan comes from a background of operations and customer service work with businesses like Barnett Bank and Nashville CARES.

Joanna McCall is one of the Chamber’s Coordinators of Applied Research. McCall has a background in non-profit research, specifically in environmental policy, and a Master of Arts in Sustainable Development from DePaul in Chicago. In her new role at the Chamber, she produces original research with the Chamber.

Amanda Short  is also a Coordinator of Applied Research at the Chamber, working to produce original research on important issues and community initiatives. Prior to the Chamber, Short worked on qualitative and quantitative survey research at Qualtrics in Provo, Utah and earned a Bachelor of Science in Economics from Baylor University.

David Alan Callaghan
Joanna McCall
Amanda Short

Click here to contact the Research team.

To learn more about what the Chamber does, read our mission and values here.

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