What does community leadership really mean?

Community leadership is one half of the equation we’ve created to measure our organization’s success. Our mission is “to create economic prosperity by facilitating community leadership” and we stand by this mission in every initiative we undertake.

But what does community leadership really mean? To someone unfamiliar with the Chamber, this could seem more like a buzzword than a concrete commitment.

Community leadership happens when local professionals make significant changes in our region. We facilitate this process by amplifying member voices beyond their individual influence.

Over the last several years, the Nashville area has experienced unprecedented economic growth. For the last five years, the Chamber’s economic development team has announced nearly 11,000 new jobs every year.

“Without you, the business and community leaders that work to make our region shine, this kind of growth and innovation would be impossible,” says Ralph Schulz, president and CEO of the Nashville Chamber.

Here are ways in which you can make your voice heard and engage with our community leadership opportunities:

Leadership Connect

This cohort program for small business owners gives entrepreneurs a seat at the table and a chance to engage with Chamber initiatives that they feel passionately about. In our inaugural cohort, members traveled to Southwest headquarters in Dallas, joined the Leadership Study Mission trip to Seattle and met with leaders like Milton Johnson of HCA and the Mayor of Nashville.

Nominations for the 2018-2019 Leadership Connect cohort are now open. Click here to nominate yourself or someone else for this intimate program.

Leadership Study Mission

The annual Leadership Study Mission trip gathers together business leaders, Chamber staff and policymakers for a focused look at the economic development efforts of a peer city. In 2018, our delegation traveled to Seattle to learn specifically about their transit initiatives. Participation in Leadership Study Mission is open to members at the Engage level and above – contact us to learn more.

Middle Tennessee Business Voice

Every year, the Chamber’s policy team advocates for the positions outlined in our legislative agenda. This means speaking with state and local legislators to make sure Middle Tennessee remains a great place to do business. We give our members a chance to set the legislative agenda through the annual policy survey and encourage you to reach out to your representatives using the Middle Tennessee Business Voice platform.

Committees and Advisory Groups

Another way to get involved in community leadership is through our many committees and advisory groups. These engagement opportunities are available in education, policy, membership, economic development and more. You can learn more about how to get involved at the Chamber here, or at our annual open house event Pick Your Place on July 12.

Facilitating community leadership is a huge part of our commitment to the Nashville region. We offer exclusive ways to expand your reach and make your voice heard. Make the most of your Chamber membership or join today to start seeing the benefits to your business.

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