Motivating employees to stay healthy during the holidays

This blog was provided by Chamber member Camp Gladiator as part of our Member Content program.

Keeping your employees healthy is challenging. 

Add in the stress of the holidays and the usually unhealthy food that comes along with holiday parties and it can be nearly impossible!

Camp Gladiator has some practical tips to helping to keep your employees healthy, especially with the holiday season around the corner.

Educate and prepare them

The first step in making sure your employees stay healthy is educating them on how to prevent stress and give them tips and tools to stay healthy.

Stress is easy to manage with exercise, taking time to do things you enjoy at least 3 hours a week and putting yourself in social situations with people you enjoy being around.

Eating healthy over the holidays is more challenging but the best way to prevent it is to be prepared. Eating a healthy dinner before going to a holiday party will keep you from snacking on unhealthy treats. Also, try to only prepare the food you need to help with overeating. Leftovers are great but usually cause us to eat more than we should throughout the day since food is more available.

Create a challenge 

To boost employee health more, give them a challenge to accomplish between October and January! For example, a “Maintain don’t Gain” themed challenge could encourage your employees to not gain any weight or body fat over the holidays. Think about fun and creative ways to incentivize them to stay healthy through the holiday season, instead of putting on the 12-15 pounds people typically gain.

Still need more help? Let Camp Gladiator lead a Healthy Holidays Lunch and Learn or Turnkey 6 week Holiday fitness challenge including body composition test, 6 weeks of workouts and access to a registered dietitian! FREE lunch and a 30-45 minutes presentation led by our certified personal trainers! Contact to schedule yours today!

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