Building a business community for the music industry

Nashville is Music City and there’s no escaping the power the music industry has had in shaping our region’s economy.

At the Chamber, we are working with music industry leaders and members to build a business community that helps them thrive in Middle Tennessee. Music industry membership at the Chamber needs to increase to match the ratio of music industry businesses in our region. We are working to reach these businesses and organizations in a few different ways.

If you are in the music industry here in Nashville, or if you want to know more about what we’re doing to support this important aspect of our region’s economy, read below to learn more about our work.

Music industry advisory group

To better serve the music industry in the Nashville region, we created the music industry advisory group. This diverse group of businesses and nonprofit organizations is working with our membership team to identify gaps that the Chamber might be able to fill.

As this group continues to meet and advise us on the best ways to help businesses in the music industry, we hope to not only provide resources for Chamber members but also the business community of the Nashville region as a whole.

Website guide and resources

One of the first recommendations to come from the music industry advisory group is a musician resources page that outlines Chamber members that offer places to gig and record. This is a unique resource that makes it easy for musicians to find and work with businesses that support the growth of the Nashville region.

You can find this resource here. To be added to this list of businesses, please email Denise Hoolhorst to learn more about membership

Relocation packets and newcomer tips

Another key piece of support that we provide at the Chamber is relocation and moving information. Many musicians move to Nashville to take advantage of the jobs offered by the thriving music industry.

While the information offered is not solely for the use of musicians, newly arrived hopefuls looking to make it in Nashville can find this information useful. You can request a newcomer packet here, or check out our guide on moving to Nashville here.

The music industry is a vital part of our Nashville economy. We want to do everything we can to make sure members of this industry feel supported, whether they are independent musicians, businesses or nonprofit organizations.

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